Tuesday, April 9, 2024

NLC FAILS AGAIN OVER PLOT TO REMOVE ABURE ...NLC Has No Authority Or Constitutional Powers To Act On Behalf Of Labour Party Members Or NWC Aisha Usman reporting live


...NLC Has No Authority Or Constitutional Powers To Act On Behalf Of Labour Party Members Or NWC 

Aisha Usman reporting live...

The President of the Nigerian Labour Congress Comrade Joe Ajiero have again failed to remove the national chairman of the labour party barrister Julius abure from office following an illegal stockholders meeting convened by its political commission in abuja on Monday the 9th of April.

In a communique issued after the illegal jamboree by the NLC Political, the group was led by some political jobbers who are non-members of the labour declared a sack of the legitimately elected NWC of the party led by Julius Abure.

They also ask the labour members nationwide to take over all labour party offices to start a new process for another national convention.

But with another eye looking at the constitutional powers of the legitimate authority given to the Julius Abure led NWC, it is certain that the nlc political has entered a nosediving plane that will never land safely, because the constitution of the party states that the highest authority of the party remains the national convention which is also chaired by the national chairman of the party in the personality of Barrister Julius Abure. So how can a partner who sends a representative into the nwc of the party now become the authority of the party when the national chairman is still in control according to the constitution of the party.

By the constitution of the party barrister Julius Abure remains the authentic national chain of the labour party and that is why his name still remains on the portal of umec as the leader of the party.

The constitution of the party remains the guiding light for the party and must be obeyed by every individual or group who chooses to remain a member of the labour party.

QN ordinary member of the party cannot instruct the officials of the party on issues concerning it's change of gardes.

Labour part is owned by the Nigerian people and it is high time the NLC knows this so the Nigerian people can use that opportunity to move forward for the good of our democracy.

We even wonder why the NLC will abandoned its duties of fighting for the welfare of the Nigerian workers and be more interested in fighting to control the activities of a political part which is not even allowed by it's constitution.

The nlc constitution says it members shall not be seen patronizing any political party and shall not be spending funds on any political activities which the world has seen since this tackless Joe Ajiero became its President.

Nigerians are suffering from bad leadership policies by the bola tinubu's administration and this same NLC under Comrade Joe has done nothing to remedy the issues instead he and his men wants to control a political party that they are not executive members or the NWC.

A political party is not a labour union movement so the nlc must stay away from politics and face the issues effecting the Nigerian workers nationwide.

The funds they are using to fight to control the labour party should be channeled into finding ways to offer solutions to the unemployment and poor salary matters our workers are facing in Nigeria today.

The tactlessness and the abuse of power by the nlc must stop so that we can consolidate the gains of the 2023 general elections that has brought the labour party to the top in politics in Nigeria.

This is the first time the labour party has ever seen any light when it comes to national politics and the man Julius Abure brought that Stan as the part national chairman so why would the nlc continue to fight this same successful team.

For Nigerians any fight on Abure and the labour party is a fight against the 2027 Presidential bid of Peter Obi and we must resist it to it's fullness.

And again the labour party real members must raise up once a and for all to stop this nonsense that will at the end of the consume in a very bad light.

To be very honest if you ask us to comment on rhese and more we can tell you without any fear or favour that the NLC under Joe Ajiero is acting as someone who have collected money to destroy the only political party that the Nigerian people have accepted to work with.

If anyone tells the world that Comrade Joe Ajiero has collected a bribe from the ruling APC to scatter the labour party everybody will say its true.

Joe Ajiero must come clean. He must prove to the world that he has not compromised and has become a staff of the lbola tinubu administration.

He speaks less when it comes to matters of the one sided style of leadership of the tinubu government. It was in this same government that a minister stole humanitarian funds and the nlc said nothing till today even with the efcc has told the world that they found #30Billion in the bank accounts of the former minister. 

See the issues of increment in  electricity tariff this same NLC did nothing. 

Who can compare the Comrade Adams Oshiomhole's NLC administration and this one that is seen as a shame all the way. 

We are very sure that there are a lot of criminal reasons why the Julius Abure leadership is suffering in the hands of the nlc and in the coming days we shall brought these reasons to you so that the Nigerian people can stand up against the enemies of our democracy.

Our question still remains  unanswerable to everyone fighting Abure and hua team. 

Why do you want the Julius Abure Leadership removed from office. 

They can answer this question at any time. 

Why do you want to remove a legitimate nwc and why don't you want to obey the constitution of the labour party that says the national convention remains the highest authority of the labour party.

For us the media and the members of the labour party barrister Julius Abure remains the true and authentic national chairman of the labour party as far as the constitution of the party remains supreme.

In politics it is said

 that no one group, team or individual is bigger than the party and its constitution.

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